Empact Chicago

Understand. Access. Enroll.

About EMPACT Chicago

EMPACT Chicago helps minority women with gynecologic malignancies understand, access, and enroll in clinical trials.

Our user-friendly trial finder tool and nurse navigator, as well as assistance with transportation costs, make the trial enrollment process more accessible. The project was funded by Bears Care, the Chicago Bears’ philanthropic arm.

Trial Finder


Contact Us

Why are clinical trials important?

Clinical trials play a crucial role in advancing medical knowledge and improving healthcare for everyone. These trials are important because they help scientists and doctors test new treatments, medicines, and procedures to ensure they are safe and effective. By participating in clinical trials, individuals have the opportunity to access innovative therapies that may not be available through standard treatments. This not only provides them with potential life-saving
options but also contributes to the development of better treatments for future patients.

Additionally, clinical trials help researchers gain valuable insights into diseases and their treatments, leading to discoveries and advancements in medical science. Without clinical trials, medical progress would be limited, and we wouldn’t have the chance to improve healthcare outcomes and find new ways to fight diseases.

Nurse Navigation

Centralized nurse navigation helps connect patients to different medical trials at all our various locations. It makes things easier by organizing the process so that patients can find the right study that fits their needs.

Nurses are there to help and give guidance to patients, answering any questions they have. This helps patients learn about the different studies available and make decisions about participating. The goal is to make it easier for patients to join studies and get new treatments, while also helping doctors learn more about medicine.

Transport Assistance

We understand that transportation can be a challenge for many patients who want to take part in clinical trials, and it can sometimes prevent them from participating. To address this issue, we have taken steps to ensure that transportation does not become a limiting factor for patients.

We offer vouchers to help cover the cost of gas and provide transportation services like Uber. This means that patients who may have difficulty getting to our sites can receive financial assistance to cover their travel expenses. By offering these transportation options, we strive to remove barriers and make it more convenient for patients to take part in the trials they are interested in. Our goal is to ensure that transportation issues do not stand in the way of patients accessing potentially life-changing treatments and contributing to medical research.


Education is an essential part of our mission, and we are committed to providing patients with information about their specific diseases and the significance of clinical trials. We understand the importance of empowering patients with knowledge, so they can make informed decisions about their healthcare journey.

To achieve this, we collaborate closely with community organizations and patient advocates. By working together, we can develop educational programs and resources that are accessible and easily understood by patients. These initiatives aim to raise awareness about diseases, the potential benefits of clinical trials, and the impact patients can have on medical advancements.  We believe that through education and collaboration, we can empower patients to actively participate in their healthcare and contribute to improving the understanding and treatment of their conditions.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.